How To: Purchase a Domain Name

We’re glad you asked!

Something that we really strive for with our clients is them having complete ownership of everything.

We can’t even begin to explain how often we’ve had new clients come to us but they’re unsure of who their domain registrars are or their website host. Most of the time it’s because their previous website manager did it for them; which usually means the client doesn’t even know the login to their information or worse — the previous website manager is the owner of YOUR domain, not you.

When we help clients, all we ask is for logins or adding us as users to those accounts; we try to stay away as far as possible of owning anything that should be owned by you. So let’s walk you through buying your own domain 🙂

  1. First of all, we recommend going to for your domain needs. GoDaddy is a popular domain registrar as well and there are many out there. This is the one that we like working with, has great customer support and is very simple (and usually the cheapest).
  2. Type in the domain you’re interested in and click the search icon.
  3. If it’s available; awesome! If not, they will show other recommendations.
  4. Click the “ADD TO CART” button and then continue by clicking the shopping cart icon at the very top right.
  5. Go to Secure Checkout; if you don’t have a pre-existing Hover account, you will then create one. If you do, click the “Use an existing account” link.
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Feb 6, 2021

Leah Lakey

As Site Savvy’s dedicated marketing expert, Leah is an outcome-focused team player with over 7 years experience managing client projects and completing general business and marketing tasks. Continually focused on leadership mentorship and self-improvement, she takes any opportunity she can to learn more and empower clients to improve their workflows. Email: