TIP OF THE MONTH | Work on content creation

In the wise words of Bill Gates, “Content is King.”

What is content?
📸 photos
🖼️ graphics,
💻 written content,
🤳 videos.

When clients give us a plentiful amount of content to choose from, it makes our job easier and you look better.

Have video ideas? Record some TikTok videos, podcasts, write up blog posts, post on social media – it doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect; starting is the hardest part. You’ll figure out what you do best once you become consistent. Just start!

Content creation is the core of your online presence.

It’s the largest section we talk about in our ‘5 Steps to Our Website Design Process’ podcast. Listen, watch, or read here: https://i.mtr.cool/lbrwwthnlq

Leah Lakey

As Site Savvy’s dedicated marketing expert, Leah is an outcome-focused team player with over 7 years experience managing client projects and completing general business and marketing tasks. Continually focused on leadership mentorship and self-improvement, she takes any opportunity she can to learn more and empower clients to improve their workflows. Email: leah@sitesavvy.com