You Should Be Blogging: Why & How
We love teaching our clients how to use their website to its full potential. You know your business the best, so that’s why the verbiage should come from you. Take the culture you’ve created and put it into your words. You can always hire someone to do this, but will it actually sound like you or the people your client will be working with or will it sound cookie-cutter and robotic?
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The Why – Increase Your SEO Ranking
Adding consistent written content to your site gives you a huge SEO (search engine optimization) boost; organically and freely. The more keywords you pump into your site, the more likely people will find you. And the more active you are, the more you stand out.
If you were looking for plumbing services in your area because your sink broke, which website would most likely pop up? The website that doesn’t mention sink at all (or maybe once), or the website that uses the word ‘sink’ 10 different times?
Starting to make sense now?
‘We’re not really the blogging type’
I’ve come across this with quite a few people. As soon as they hear the word ‘blog’, they have a preconceived idea of what that actually is. You’re probably used to seeing blogs and not realizing it. Like those ‘Latest News’ sections, or any archived list of FAQ posts.
Regardless if you think you are or are not, it’s time to buckle up because it’s a necessity anymore if you want to be noticed on Google. You may also say, ‘But I’m not a writer.’ and that’s okay. There are many copywriters out there you can hire to interview you and write up the content you need.
The How
Not quite sure what to post about? Here are some categories that ANY business can post about:
- FAQ – Instead of answering the same question over and over, create one well-answered post for that question and then send a link of the post to any one else in the future that has that same question. Not only are you saving time and being efficient; you’re also training your clients to go to your website whenever they need something.
- Tips – Happen to be a pest control company? Why not post about easy tricks someone can use to spot certain types of insects? What about a bakery? Let people know how you bake that perfect cake every time without it going flat!
- Newsletters – Keep an archive of your newsletters that you send to your email list. When you email out newsletters to clients, include a few sentences and then provide a link to the newsletter you created on your site. Again, any chance you can at training your clients to use your site, the better!
- News – Have some new remodeling going on at your office; let people know! Did a local news station write an article about how great you are? Let people know about that too! Building relationships, being relatable and sharing personal wins makes happy clients turn into loyal clients.
Here’s how to post on a WordPress website:
Check out our how-to video.
- Login
- Click on Posts on the lefthand side
- Here you can see all of the previous posts you’ve created; drafts or live
- ‘Click Add New’ at the top
- Make sure you add a title, content, featured image, category, and publish date. (You can have it publish immediately, queue it up for another date/time, or backdate it)
- Now it will show up as the latest post on your Blog/News page!